Bravo!FACT (Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent)
www.bravofact.comCTV Television's Bravo!FACT (Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent) has distributed tens of millions of dollars in grants for the production of thousands of short films and videos across Canada.
The Canada Council for the Arts
www.canadacouncil.caThe Canada Council for the Arts provides support for the development of individuals, groups, small ensembles, orchestras and other professionals working in the Canadian music community. In addition to tours, concert production, sound recordings and festival programming, the Music Section funds a variety of related activities such as residencies and the commissioning of Canadian compositions.
The Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency Ltd.
www.cmrra.caCanadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency Ltd. (CMRRA) is a non-profit music licensing agency, which represents the vast majority of music copyright owners (usually called music publishers) doing business in Canada.
Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings
www.factor.caAs a private non-profit organization, FACTOR (Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings) is dedicated to providing assistance toward the growth and development of the Canadian independent recording industry.
The Ontario Arts Council
www.arts.on.caThe Ontario Arts Council supports artists and organizations working in a variety of styles and genres of music. In fulfilling its mandate, the OAC serves one of the most diverse cultural, racial, linguistic and Aboriginal populations in Canada. Through its programs and services, the OAC supports artists, organizations and communities across Ontario, and welcomes all forms of artistic expression and practice.
www.socan.caAs a collective for the performing rights of SOCAN members - the creators and publishers of music - SOCAN make sure members get paid for the public performance and communication to the public of their music. SOCAN administers performing rights in a simple way so that everyone who authorizes, or wants to play or broadcast music - broadcasters, promoters, venue operators, and others - can obtain the right quickly and easily.
The Songwriter's Association Of Canada
www.songwriters.caAn association led by active professional and amateur songwriters, the Songwriter's Association Of Canada (S.A.C.) is committed to the development and recognition of Canadian composers, lyricists and songwriters.
The Toronto Arts Council
www.torontoartscouncil.orgProject grant programs provide one-time funding for time-limited projects. Project funding is available to eligible music organizations and collectives through the Music Projects program and to eligible individual artists through the Music Creators and Composers program.
BNI Danforth
www.bnidanforth.comBNI Danforth has been successfully growing and passing Quality Business Referrals to its members for over 10 years now. From March 2009 to March 2010 BNI Danforth passed almost nearly 1,200,000 dollars in referrals and is one of the largest chapters in Toronto.
The Toronto Dollar
www.torontodollar.comThe work of the Toronto Dollar is to encourage more caring social and economic relationships among people from the community, business and government sectors -- and particularly among those in the community in greatest economic need.
The Toronto Cyclists Union
www.bikeunion.toThe Toronto Cyclists Union provides a strong, unified voice for Toronto cyclists. The Toronto Cyclists Union works together with citizens, community groups, bike shops and the City towards the common goals of ensuring that cycling is a legitimate, accessible, and safe means of transportation.
The Official 11th Hour Action Website
www.11thhouraction.comAn online community that has created tools to help people take the urgent steps necessary to move towards sustainability. Join with the millions of people and organizations that are making positive change around the world.
The David Suzuki Foundation
www.davidsuzuki.orgThe David Suzuki Foundation works with government, business and individuals to conserve our environment by providing science-based education, advocacy and policy work, and acting as a catalyst for the social change that today's situation demands.
Earth Day Canada
www.earthday.caEarth Day Canada (EDC) is a national environmental communications organization mandated to improve the state of the environment by empowering Canadians to achieve local solutions. Since 1991, EDC has been coordinating Earth Day/Earth Month events, and creating successful community programs and award-winning artistic and media projects.
ES Organics
www.esorganics.comEternal Spring Organics is a Toronto based dessert, food caterer and retailer offering delicious hand-baked goods made with organic, locally sourced and fair trade ingredients. ES Organics products contain no preservatives, stabilizers or artificial ingredients of any kind. The ES Organics menu has a wide variety of desserts and food items made with organic and locally sourced ingredients including pies, tarts, cakes, cookies, ice cream, sorbet, breads and specialty loaves.
The Polaris Institute
www.polarisinstitute.orgPolaris is designed to enable citizen movements to re-skill and re-tool themselves to fight for democratic social change in an age of corporate driven globalization. Essentially, the Institute works with citizen movements in developing the kinds of strategies and tactics required to unmask and challenge the corporate power that is the driving force behind governments concerning public policy making on economic, social and environmental issues.